Sunday, January 20, 2008


I think to myself...let's have spaghetti for dinner...

So I get out the ground turkey (which I even moved from the freezer to the fridge yesterday so I would have it for spaghetti today), and start cooking it. I fill the large pot with water and set it on the stove to boil. I get out the pasta. I find the colander. I get out oh. I'm sure I have spaghetti sauce in here. Really, I do. Really. Or...not. Crapbuckets.

So I continue to look around for something to put with the ground turkey (happily, I had not yet put the pasta in the boiling water...) We ended up with turkey manwiches, which is fine, I guess, but of course, I really wanted spaghetti once I thought I was making it for dinner. For whatever reason, I just looked up Manwich (partially to make sure I spelled it right...I think it should be ManWitch...) and it's older than I am. It was introduced in 1969...who knew?

By the way, I think Manwich tastes a lot like ketchup, but J likes it, so I buy it sometimes for a quick meal that will make him relatively happy as ketchup covered ground turkey can make a person...

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