Friday, January 4, 2008

Misplaced pockets

Have you ever put on an outfit and thought...this would be a great outfit if only it had pockets? (Probably not if you're a guy...I don't think guys have this problem, though I could be wrong.) (Maternity clothes are the worst for this offense, and if you're a guy wearing maternity clothes, you may have other issues...) Well, I have found where all the pockets we need have gone.

They are on baby clothes. Yep, baby clothes. I mean, what 2 month old DOESN'T need pockets? I'm amazed at how many of SuperJ's 0-3 month size clothes have pockets. This child is luckily to be able to control his arms enough to not hit himself in the head, so I'm pretty sure there is no way he has the dexterity required to work pockets. And even if he did, what on earth would he put in there? Anything small enough to fit in his pockets is probably a choking hazard anyway, so even if he had the skill, there would be no use for it. BB (2 year old) is just now getting the whole pocket thing, mostly used to put his hands in, though sometimes he keeps his money there (his money being whatever money he finds and claims as his kid...)

So I was watching Oprah this week...yes, really (I'm on maternity leave!), and the current fashion guru she had on said pockets add volume, so they are bad on people who already have volume in places they don't want to accentuate - mainly side pockets on hips and back pockets on butts. I can see how you wouldn't want to accentuate those parts if they were already big, especially on pregnant ladies, but come on. Is a pocket really going to make that much difference when you're preggo belly is so big you can't see your feet? Like someone is going to look at you and say, "You know, that little side pocket really makes you look big." Please.

So if any of the 3 of you who have read my blog happen to be clothing designers, GIVE ME BACK MY POCKETS!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

funny about this, my girlfriend actually told me about how many women's clothing items do not have pockets for this very reason. I thought it was silly too, but what are you gonna do?