Monday, January 14, 2008

Goals Update

So here's an update on my goals...

I am surprisingly now only 2 pounds from pre-baby weight, but it doesn't seem that way to me. I think the body shape changes that come with pregnancy make the same weight seem bigger. Either way, I wasn't that happy with my pre-baby weight, so this is one step in a larger goal, I guess.

I took the boys for a walk yesterday in the semi-double stroller (it's a Sit-N-Stand so BB can ride sitting, standing, or hop off and walk). This is a relatively large step for me in the exercise arena, and I'm going to attempt to take another walk today.

The whole family got up and went to church on Sunday - woohoo! Our church is in a weird location transition right now, so we are having services at a different church 2 hours earlier than we usually go to church, but we made it!

On the keeping in touch with people more side, I have invited a few more folks to the blog, and I have started an account on to remind me of folks' birthdays. Since my mother-in-law doesn't have the internet (or a computer), I am really bad at keeping up with news of the kids and pictures with her. I have semi-outsourced this, and my mom is now printing and sending pics to MIL when I email them to mom (Mom actually volunteered to do this - she is that cool.) (I am also going back to work this week, so that will keep me in touch with my work-friends more, but I don't really get credit for that one.)

1 comment:

Mama Tango said...

Very good with walking! I actually am forced to walk a couple times a week to and from work, since we've parked one vehicle (the stupid one) until we can either sell it or trade it in), and BBM has the van at work. As much as I hate walking in freezing weather, I can feel the difference.