Monday, January 7, 2008

Less dropped calls than any other imaginary network...

I'm talking on my cell phone, so BB decides to talk on his (toy) flip phone. He opens it, dials some numbers, holds it up to his ear, and starts talking to Dada.

Hi Dada.
What doing?
Uh-huh...Play toys.

At this point he pulls the phone away from his ear and looks intently at the screen. He puts it back to his ear.


He shrugs his shoulders and closes the flip phone and looks at me. I say, "Did you lose your call?" He says, "Yep. Lost." He opens his phone and dials to ear...

Ok, good...and continues his conversation.

Apparently our cell phone network even drops imaginary calls. Amazing.


Mama Tango said...

Dang imaginary phone companies. Kill them all. Do they send imaginary bills? I wish I had imaginary bills...that would be wonderful.

Dayna said...

I totally laughed at that one.

Unknown said...

Um... maybe you get to get a company from better coverage if your ...(can I say the sex of your child?) unisex offspring is learning to imitate lost calls.