Saturday, January 12, 2008

The music truck...

So there's this truck that comes by our house...we like to call it the music truck because it plays music as it drives slowly around the neighborhood.

Some people call it the "ice cream truck," but I think saying that in front of BB might cause more trouble. So, for now at least, it's the music truck. He thinks it drives around just to play music for the people in the neighborhood. So far, he hasn't even seen it stop and give ice cream out to people.

So last night, we heard the music truck on our way home from daycare, but he didn't see it.

BB: White music truck?
Me: Yep, the white music truck.
BB: Where, mama?
Me: It already drove by, we can't see it now.
BB: Hear it, mama.
Me: Yep, we can hear it, but we can't see it.
BB: Yep, white music truck.

The music truck does happen to be white, and I figured he remembered that. After we got home, we went in the backyard to play for the 20 minutes or so before it gets to dark to play outside. Lo and behold, the music truck comes back.

BB: Mama! Music truck. Hear it!
Me: Yes, I hear it.
BB: Mama, blue music truck?
Me: Um, blue?
BB: Yep, hear it, mama? Blue music truck!

I guess this one sounded blue. It was actually the same music truck, but since we couldn't see it either, he decided it sounded blue. I like that something can "sound blue" to him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe the lines between senses are not so clear cut in a 2 year old. Maybe B will be a super artist or something...or maybe a janitor (since he loves to vacuum, were did he get that from?!?).