Friday, February 8, 2008

Sick boy...

Poor BB is sick. Our wonderfully fabulous daycare provider called...he had 101.7 temperature. I went and picked him up, got some tylenol in him, and now he's conked out on the couch. Other than being sleepy and wanting me to carry him everywhere, I haven't figured out if he has any "sick" symptoms other than fever. I mean, lethargic is a symptom, but not like...nose or throat or tummy or something. I asked him if he hurts anywhere...and he pointed at his belly button. And I said, "Your tummy hurts?" And he said, "No, belly button hurts." I'm not sure what that means.

And we have one of those cool digital thermometers that Aunt Annie got for us, but I think somehow we left it "on" last time BB was sick (2 weeks ago), so...I have to try to get J to pick up a battery for it...if I can figure out what kind of battery it is.

Sadly, this is the 3rd time this week I've missed some work for health related issues. Tuesday, J almost randomly went into anaphylactic shock, and I had to take him to urgent care. His throat swelled almost completely shut. It was really scary. Luckily, he was still able to breathe, though it was difficult. We couldn't figure out what caused it, though he had Doritos that day and when he had them again the next day, he started to react again (and stopped eating the Doritos). So maybe it's something in Doritos. If you Google "allergic to Doritos," you get a suprising number of hits. It made me want to check other things...

..and then this happened...

Apparently, Doritos are a relatively dangerous snack food...

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