Friday, February 22, 2008


BB and I have been talking about potty training lately. I'm all for it...he's not so sure. We were having a conversation about watching the video Potty Power about how babies wear diapers and big kids wear underpants because they go potty in the potty.

So I asked BB, "Do you wear diapers?"
BB: No. (but he does....)
Me: I know you're not really a baby, but do you wear diapers still?
BB: No, Mama.
Me: (thinking he's being silly) Come on, BB, you wear diapers, don't you?
BB: (looking at me like I'm the crazy one) No, Mama...wear ONE diaper.

Nice. Apparently it would be silly for him to wear diapers, plural, 2 or more at the same time. Of course, he only wears one diaper - where would he put a second one? He's a very literal child sometimes...

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